Through the never-ending sea of parenting advice that new parents are bombarded with almost as soon as they bring their bundle of joy home from the hospital, there is one set of guiding principles on parenting that has stood the test of time. The Quran and Sunnah are rich with models and principles that we can all use to help us navigate the ups and downs of parenthood. This in-depth, and interactive parenting workshop covers the essential principles of parenting from the Quran and Sunnah, and is replete with comprehensive information and practical examples.
From parents of all ages, to teachers, caregivers, and educators, thousands of people around the globe have benefitted from the important information they have gained by attending this seminar and applying the practical lessons they have learned from it. Offered in one-day or two-day formats to suit the needs of every community, this workshop is broken down into three main parts. Part one describes the critical elements in understanding your children, their needs, their qualities and the key factors affecting the formation of their personalities. In addition, it will cover parents’ duties toward their children as well as over 15 principles from the Quran and Sunnah on how to deal with your children.
The second part of the seminar helps parents delve a little deeper as they embark on a self-search for better parenting in the hopes of discovering the sources of their own negative parental behaviors and remedying them.
In part three, it’s time to apply our new-found knowledge! Attendees are divided into groups and every group is given a case to study, analyze and answer questions about. The resulting discussions always prove to be a rather thoughtful, insightful and interactive end to a dynamic seminar.
Here are a few testimonials from attendees of this workshop:
- “Parenting is a major challenge. Islamic parenting is an even greater challenge. The work of Drs. Ekram and Rida Beshir is a major contribution in this area that is both timely and beneficial. May Allah [SWT] reward and bless them.” Dr. Jamal Badawi
- “This workshop is a must for young men and women who plan to get married, for counselors of all types and specialties, and for any professional who relies on effective relationship with people for professional success. It is essential for, not only parents, but for anyone who deals with human beings. It fulfills a great need at a level far beyond my expectations.” Late Dr Ahmad El-Kadi
- “Excellent, this should be mandatory for married couples. This couple, really know what they are talking about. They are role models for us. All husbands and wives should work as a team like them. Major Institutions like ISNA, ICNA, MAS should make this kind of information available in their conventions’ main sessions.” An attendee from Albany, NY, May 1999
- “Very professional, well researched, pretty lively. Where were you 16 years ago? I wish I could start over with the knowledge I now know from your workshop.” An attendee from South Africa, Feb. 2000
- “This is a very positive and informative seminar. Looking forward to reading your books and sharing them with my husband. Actually, let me state this was the best Islamic gathering I have ever attended, Thank you.” An attendee from Lansing, MI, May 2000
- “I felt very good after this workshop. I’m truly grateful to Allah SWT for sending you both to us. This should be mandatory for married couples JAK.” An Attendee from Maryland, 2001
- “I can’t believe that you are offering this workshop for free. I attended a workshop on the subject in one of the Universities. I paid $300 fees for one day. I got only 10 percent of what I learned from only the first lecture in your workshop. Your practical tips are amazing. You should charge at least $500 fees for this workshop.” Attendee from Raleigh, 2002
- “Thank you for wonderful Seminar. It was very informative and thought provoking workshop. I feel very encouraged and have great hopes after this seminar.” Attendee from Melbourne, Australia, March 2004
- “I never thought the day will come when I’ll receive a real practical tips on how to deal with my teens. This seminar provided me with plenty of real ideas that I feel I’ll be able to use with my children. Jazakum Allah Khyaran. Please come again.” Attendee from Sydney, Australia, March 2004
- “It was very joyful experience. I learned so much more than I ever expected. An amazing and thought provoking workshop.” Attendee from Toronto, Canada, 2005
- “What you are doing is a legacy. No other community in North America is blessed with such wonderful program.” Dr. Stacie Hiramoto, Vice President, Human Services Program Planner. Sacramento County Division of Mental Health. California, 2006
- “Peaceful, interesting, inspiring, very clear, and wonderful workshop. Those speakers should be hosted by various TV Channels all over the Muslim world reach out the majority of our Muslim families and help them with their sound knowledge on family matters.” An attendee from Paris, France, April 2009
- “This is the best Seminar I ever attended. I learned a lot. Please come back often.” An attendee from Dublin, Ireland. March 2010
- “This workshop was very well organized, with good examples on illustrating concepts. It was really clear, very attractive and wonderful event.” An attendee from Calgary Canada on November 2010
- “Where were you 10 years ago? I could have avoided many mistakes I did with my children. But alhamdulellah at least some of the new parents and teachers are learning useful material to help them.” An attendee from New Jersey on February 2011
- “Very insightful, interesting, informative, inspiring, and thought provoking.” An attendee from Nashville TN on June 2011
- “To me this was a life changing experience in a very positive way.” An attendee from Vancouver BC on October 2011
- “I never expected I could learn that much in one session, but I learnt a lot alhamdulellah. JAK.” An attendee from Panama City FL on December 2011
- “Thank you for making difference in our life.” An attendee from Miami, FL on January 2012
- “I learnt a lot. I enjoyed every minute of the workshop. Please come back soon.” An attendee from Halifax, June 2012
- “Masha’a Allah, both speakers are very knowledgeable. Dr. Mohamed Rida does an excellent job of engaging audience. He is fun to listen to.” An attendee from London Ontario, Canada, September 2012
- “An amazing seminar with awesome examples and lots of relevant stories.” An attendee from Washington DC, September 2012
- “It is truly magnificent event. It has a lot of wonderful information. The challenge for us is to retain and apply this useful information.” An attendee from Dallas TX January 2013
- “An amazing seminar. I would say this is the best Islamic activity I ever attended.” An attendee from Sydney, Australia February 2013
- “I wanted to email you to say a big Jazakallahkhair for everything you taught us over the weekend in Walsall. I’m still amazed by what you have taught me and honestly I have started implementing it with the madrassah children.” An attendee from Birmingham, England January 2014
- “Super. Masha’a Allah, masha’a Allah, masha’a Allah. Amazing, I learnt a lot and will try to apply what I learnt insha’a Allah.” An attendee from Sacramento CA 2015
- “I especially liked hearing examples and hearing you modeling the solution.” An attendee from Victoria Canada 2016
- “Very insightful on how to connect our children with Allah.” An attendee from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2016
- “I left the sessions armed with clear examples of Islamic parenting strategies.” An attendee from New Haven CT 2017
- “I enjoyed the sessions. The speaker made me thinking and focusing more on my Islamic duty as a parent.” An attendee from Newark NJ 2017
- “The information is exceptional and beneficial.” An attendee from Toronto Canada, Jan 2018